Facial Fat Grafting at a Glance

Type of anesthesia:
Recovery time:
1-2 weeks off work (non-strenuous jobs)
Time in surgery:
1-2 hours
When you go home:
Day of operation
Often Combined With:

*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your experience may vary.

Facial Fat Grafting in San Antonio, TX

Long-Lasting Results With Fat Grafting

If you’ve been thinking about getting dermal fillers such as JUVÉDERM® to replenish volume to areas such as under the eyes, around the mouth, cheeks, chin, or lips, you may want to consider a technique that uses your own fat as a filler. Dr. Michael Ablavsky performs the procedure, called autologous fat grafting or fat transfer, at his San Antonio, Texas, practice.

Facial Fat Grafting
 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 3
Case: 1 of 3
Before & After Lower Blepharoplasty Case 320 Front View in San Antonio, Texas
Before & After
Case: 1 of 2

Eager to present a more youthful, less fatigued appearance to her eyes, the patient made a decision to undergo lower blepharoplasty in San Antonio, Texas. The process for her entailed two crucial procedures undertaken by Dr. Michael Ablavsky MD – an articulate lower and upper blepharoplasty. For the lower blepharoplasty, Dr. Ablavsky enhanced... Read More
Before & After Facelift & Neck Lift Case 5 Front View in San Antonio, Texas
Before & After
Case: 2 of 2

This woman came to Dr. Ablavsky seeking a facelift and neck lift to improve the signs of aging on her face and neck. To help address the hollowing she had experienced as part of the aging process, Dr. Ablavsky combined facelift, neck lift, and facial fat grafting to give her a more youthful, refreshed appearance.  Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

What Are the Benefits of Facial Fat Grafting?

Dermal filler injections are one of the most popular anti-wrinkle, and volume replenishing, treatments performed in the U.S. The results produced by most hyaluronic acid fillers, however, last up to 9-12 months. Using a patient’s own fat as a filler can produce results that last for years. Many patients also like the idea of using their own fat to smooth wrinkles, restore youthful facial shape, volume, or enhance lips.

Dr. Michael Ablavsky at Aesthetic Enhancement - Cosmetic Surgery Center Dr. Michael Ablavsky at Aesthetic Enhancement - Cosmetic Surgery Center

Dr. Ablavsky

Dr. Ablavsky is a board-certified, fellowship-trained plastic surgeon whose patients trust him for natural-looking results from face, breast, and body procedures. He listens closely to his patients' concerns and takes the time to answer their questions with honesty and compassion.

Meet Dr. Ablavsky Request Your Consultation

I highly recommend Dr. Ablavsky for any plastic surgery procedure.


How Is Facial Fat Grafting Performed?

Fat grafting is a 3-step process:


Dr. Ablavsky harvests fat from an area of the body, such as the abdomen, or thighs, using liposuction.


Fatty tissue extracted with liposuction is then processed to separate the fat cells from impurities such as blood. The process is designed to minimize damage to the fat while optimizing its viability.


Using a specialized syringe called a cannula, Dr. Ablavsky strategically injects the fat into the treatment area. Because a fraction of the fat does not survive, he injects more than is needed.

Fat grafting to the face can be performed as a standalone alternative to dermal fillers or combined with facelift surgery, neck lift, eyelid surgery to enhance the results.

How Long Is Recovery After Facial Fat Grafting?

One of the key differences between dermal fillers and facial fat grafting is the recovery time. Filler injections don’t require any downtime. Fat grafting, on the other hand, requires about 1 to 2 weeks of recovery so the area where the liposuction was performed can heal, and swelling at the injection site can subside. The amount of time depends on the extent of the liposuction/fat injection and how quickly a patient normally heals.

How Much Does Facial Fat Grafting Cost in San Antonio?

The cost of facial fat grafting varies depending on the area or areas treated. At our practice, a facial fat grafting procedure starts at $3,485 – $4,945 per area. At our San Antonio plastic surgery practice, we provide patients with detailed price quotes after their consultations.

Request Your Consultation

Dr. Ablavsky performs facial fat grafting using safe techniques. If you want to learn more about facial fat grafting, request a consultation with Dr. Ablavsky using the online form, or call our practice at (210) 942-6672 to schedule an appointment.

ZO Skin Health Skincare Products now available at Ablavsky Plastic Surgery

Now Offering ZO® Skin Health Skincare Products at Ablavsky Plastic Surgery

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Contact us at (210) 942-6672 to learn more.
