Ablavsky Plastic Surgery:
Dr. Michael Ablavsky
19222 Stonehue Suite 104
San Antonio, TX 78258
Phone: (210) 942-6672
Monday–Friday : 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
Breast Lift Before and After Pictures
Case #47
This patient presented with a deflated 16 year old saline implant and wanted to have a removal, and replacement of her breast implants. Dr. Ablavsky performed a removal, replacement (440cc MPP implant), in addition to a breast lift to provide a... Read More
Procedure(s): Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation
Provider: Dr. Michael Ablavsky MD
This patient presented to discuss a reduction in the overall size and weight of her breast. Dr. Ablavsky performed a breast reduction - providing relief of back pain, and an improvement of rashes under the breast.
Procedure(s): Breast Lift, Breast Reduction
Provider: Dr. Michael Ablavsky MD
Case #193
After having children and weight fluctuations this patient wanted a tighter and more youthful appearance to her breasts and abdomen. Dr. Ablavsky performed a breast lift / breast reduction, abdominoplasty and liposuction of waistline.
Procedure(s): Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift, Breast Reduction, Mommy Makeover
Provider: Dr. Michael Ablavsky MD
Case #200
This patient wanted a perkier, more youthful appearance to her breasts. Dr. Ablavsky performed a breast lift.
Procedure(s): Breast Lift
Provider: Dr. Michael Ablavsky MD
Case #73
This patient initially presented because she was bothered by the deflated appearance of her breasts and was interested in a breast augmentation with silicone implants. Dr. Ablavsky performed a combined breast procedure - a breast augmentation a... Read More
Procedure(s): Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation
Provider: Dr. Michael Ablavsky MD
Case #156
After losing 90lbs this patient was left with excess skin on her abdomen and deflated breasts. The patient underwent breast reduction / breast lift, an abdominoplasty, and liposuction of waistline.
Procedure(s): Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift, Breast Reduction, Mommy Makeover
Provider: Dr. Michael Ablavsky MD
Case #291
Procedure(s): Breast Lift, Implant Removal and Replacement
Provider: Dr. Michael Ablavsky MD
Case #187
This patient was bothered by the overall heaviness and deflated appearance of her breasts. Dr. Ablavsky performed a breast reduction to reduce the overall size, while also preserving her cleavage for a perkier more youthful shape.
Procedure(s): Breast Lift, Breast Reduction
Provider: Dr. Michael Ablavsky MD
Case #166
This patient presented with saline implants that she felt were too droopy and heavy. Dr. Ablavsky performed a removal/replacement with silicone implants (405cc moderate profile), and a breast lift with mesh for long term support.
Procedure(s): Breast Lift, Implant Removal and Replacement
Provider: Dr. Michael Ablavsky MD
Case #180
This patient wanted a breast reduction and breast lift. Dr. Ablavsky performed a breast lift, and breast reduction to make her breast lighter, perkier, and more youthful appearing.
Procedure(s): Breast Lift, Breast Reduction
Provider: Dr. Michael Ablavsky MD
Case #310
Procedure(s): Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift, Breast Reduction, Mommy Makeover
Provider: Dr. Michael Ablavsky MD